Pregnant in Paris: Where to Shop on a budget
One of the things I was really looking forward to while pregnant was shopping for baby clothes, and putting together a nursery. When it actually came to where to shop, I felt like a fish out of water and had no idea where to buy baby related things in Paris.
Once you are all signed up at the hospital or clinic where you will give birth, you receive a “liste de maternité”, which is essentially a list of all the things you will need for you and the baby during your hospital stay. I used this list as a starting point of the first things I would buy. Beyond this list, you also begin to think about all the things you need to get to prepare for the baby’s arrival like a stroller, car seat, crib, etc. After looking through all the things we needed, I quickly got overwhelmed with all the choices, and how quickly all these things would add up. I began doing a bit of scouting of baby stores in Paris like Nataly’s, WOMB, Petit Bateau which had nice items but were super pricey.
Back home, I would go to Marshalls, Target and Tjmaxx as my go to spots for affordable good quality items and I was looking for similar types of stores here. I quickly realized I needed to find other stores that were more aligned with my budget , and do some research on the key things I needed to buy.
I managed to find all the essentials for the hospital list, plus the main things needed to bring the baby home at a variety of stores throughout Paris as well as online. I put together a list below of places I had luck finding baby related items at reasonable prices, good quality, and that had a decent variety of options.
Maternity Clothes
In the end I didn’t buy any maternity specific clothes, but I did buy a few nursing bras from H&M.
H&M (recommended for their maternity jeans, and they have nursing bras at a decent price)
C&A (has a pretty decent maternity section in their store)
Tajine Banane (Brand specialised in maternity t-shirts)
The following stores you can find some nice items to decorate your baby’s nursery.
Sostrene Grene
La Redoute
Emmaüs (Second- hand store)
Leboncoin (Similar to Craig’s List)
Baby Clothes
H&M (conscious organic cotton line)
KIABI (Nice variety and clothing and baby essentials at an affordable price)
La Redoute
Vinted (Vintage clothing app, ha a whole section dedicated to baby clothes)
Tajine Banane
Baby Equipment (stroller, car seat, etc)
When purchasing bigger items it was recommended to purchase from a store where you can accumulate rewards points that will eventually lead to discounts for future purchases.
Natal Market (I ended up purchasing my stroller from here)
La Redoute
Petit Bailly
Bebe Cash
What are some of your favorite places to shop for baby/kid related items?